The shoulders should be wide to stay on social media. This comment has been made by the Delhi High Court. The court said this while hearing the defamation case. In fact, an online legal education platform filed a defamation case against four people. A bench of Justice Manmeet PS Arora said in the judgment, it is sure to get reactions on any social media posts. The court said that a post published on social media platform will either be appreciated or criticized and the shoulders of the users should be wide to bear the criticism.
What is the whole matter?
Online legal education platform law learning had posted a post on social media criticizing the National Law Graduates. To which 4 students of the law replied, which law learned said defamation.
In the trial, the online platform argued that the main tweet was posted with good intentions that were affecting students, law firms and educational institutions of law. He also argued in the court that the tweet in response was derogatory. Damned him in cyberspace.
It was also said in the trial that the reputation, financial stability in the tweets could also harm. It was a significant threat to the trust of investors. At the same time, a defendant argued that the tweet was provocative. While imposing a fine of 1 million dollars on law learning, Justice Arora said in his judgment that the main tweet comes under the parameters of online trolling.
In his 54 -page judgment, Justice Arora said that it is not punishable to express an opinion, until it causes concrete damage and found the case baseless, as the information technology (intermediate guidelines and the intermediate guidelines and the Digital Media Code of Conduct) failed to demand prevention under the Rule, 2021.