China and America made India on their target, attacks on the border

Indian Aviation flights are not only facing cyber thrrates, but are the targets of many countries including China and America. Perhaps this is the reason why the Indian Aviation Ecosistum is facing an average of 900 cyber attacks daily. This shocking disclosure has been made from the research report of Cyber ​​Peace Organization. Cyber ​​Peace’s report has been revealed in the ‘Exploring Cyber ​​Threts and Digital Risk in the Indian Aviation Ecosistum’ based on the data collected between June 2024 and August 2024. This report has been prepared on the basis of intensive analysis of real time simulation and threats. In this report, the emphasis of making the cyber security of aviation structure more improved.

80,588 cyber attacks in three months

The report found that there have been more than 80,588 cyber attacks in the Indian Aviation Network between June 2024 to August 2024, which is a major threat to the real aviation system. Cyber ​​attacks targeted the communication and database protocol on the main wire. He carried out 64,104 on Telnet, 15,629 on MySQL, 512 on HTTP and 217 on FTP. In addition, 296 different usernames and 15,928 different passwords were seen using automated brut-form attacks, which revealed the flaws in the authentication mechanism.

Cyber ​​attacks in India from these countries

According to this report, countries that pose a threat to the Indian Aviation sector include the names of China, America, South Korea and Taiwan. Apart from this, some cyber attacks have also taken place from within India. According to Major Vineet, Global President of Cyberpiece, the result of this report is a major warning for the Indian Aviesh Industry. Cyber ​​security is no longer an alternative, but an important part of the strength of aviation security. Therefore, all agencies related to Aviation Industry need to take important steps.

Bottnet activities and data theft danger

Let us tell you that the report also highlighted the cases of botnet activities, open login credentials and financial data leaks, which are increasing the threats of identity thepes and fraud. The report also states that the safety of the aviation sector requires strong cyber security structures, active risk management and frequent monitoring.

What to do for cyber security

In the Cyberpiece report, agency and stake holders associated with aviation sector have also been advised to take some precautionary steps. Which includes the following important things.

  • It has been advised to separate the network system from public access and regular security audit.
  • It has been asked to implement multi-factor certification and key-base app.
  • Real time has been advised to strengthen the response mechanism to detect cyber thrrates.
  • Regular security drills and awareness programs have been asked for aviation staff.