RBI’s big step to stop cyber fraud, separate domain will be for banks

To prevent cyber fraud and crime, RBI has decided to bring separate domains for all banks. On Friday, RBI Governor Sanjay Aggarwal said that the increasing cyber crime is a matter of concern and a domain called Bandatin is being launched to prevent this type of crime.

Actually, only Indian banks will be able to use bankdutin domain. This facility is being started from April this year. Only by using this domain on behalf of the bank will make it easier for customers to identify banks’ mail or message. Right now customers are confused about which real link or which fake.

There will be different domains for banks
Let us know that now cyber criminals make a fake ID in a bank’s domain ID and make fake IDs. Many banks use dotcode and some banks use dotcom domains and some dotin. Cyber ​​criminals also take advantage of this.

Identification will be easier for customers
Currently, customers do not look at the domain of a bank so carefully, but when all banks use dotin domains, customers will not have difficulty in identifying fake domains and real domains.

The RBI Governor also said that on the same lines, Finadotin Domain will be introduced for other financial institutions other than banks to strengthen digital security throughout the financial sector. The responsibility of registration of bankdotin domain will be on the Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology (IDRBT).

According to experts, several times, searching in Google to go to the bank’s site, you start appearing links with two-three domains of the same bank. This type of site is formed for cyber fraud fraud. In such a situation, the customer gets confused and clicks on the wrong link and becomes a victim of cheating.